imageWhat Is InfoMED?


Health Quizzes With Personalized Results

30 Years of Medical Expertise

InfoMED is the first step for those seeking health care information. Tens of thousands of visitors have used this site.

The main product of this site are Infomeds — medical questionnaires on specific medical symptoms, diseases and treatments (surgical and non-surgical) that are designed to give patients information that saves time and money. It is not intended as medical advice. Only a qualified physician can provide that.

The main product of this site are Infomeds — medical questionnaires on specific medical symptoms, diseases and treatments (surgical and non-surgical) that are designed to give patients information that saves time and money. It is not intended as medical advice. Only a qualified physician can provide that.

Our Philosophy

InfoMED is the first step for those seeking health care information. Tens of thousands of visitors have used this site.

The main product of this site are Infomeds — medical questionnaires on specific medical symptoms, diseases and treatments (surgical and non-surgical) that are designed to give patients information that saves time and money. It is not intended as medical advice. Only a qualified physician can provide that.

Symptom Checker

Identyfy possible conditions related to your symptoms and receive focused health information.

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